Saturday, April 2, 1892

Today was mild and rainy. We all did the morning milking. After breakfast, John cleaned the bay, Fannie and the black team and got them all harnessed and hitched up Fannie to the old cutter. John took Fannie to the Falls with his wife, Nancy and baby Edward. I gave John $10 to do his trading and buy his supplies. Ada rode down with them as far as Uncle Will's. I took the blacks and drove down to the gulf and fixed the road. I scraped over the ruts and leveled the road out. When I finished with the road, I came back to the barn and cleaned the stable. I drew the load of manure down on the knoll and spread it there. After I put the team in, Kaine and I went down in the woods and distributed sap buckets. We had left the rest of the buckets in the sap house yesterday. Mike and I tapped about 50 trees and put up the buckets. It began to rain so we came back to the house and had dinner. Charlie Blowers churned the butter in the morning and started making the cheese. After dinner, he hurried the cheese out as Wiseman came here to see him. Wiseman went down to Charlie's house with him to visit for a couple of hours. John got back home all right and said that he did not have too much trouble getting through the roads. They are very muddy and rutted up bad in places.

Sunday, April 3, 1892

Today was very pleasant. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, I cleaned the horse stable and Mike cleaned the cow stable. John cleaned the snow off the hay at the lower barn. I went in the woods and tapped about 75 trees. When I finished in the woods, I came back to the barn and fed the horses and the cows. Then I went in the house to do some writing.

We stayed at home today as the roads are very bad. Henry Crofoot brought Carrie home with Prince and Pickert's cutter. They said that the roads were very bad. Henry said that he got as far as Uncle Joel Pickert's with his rig and Uncle Joel had him take his cutter as it would travel easier. Henry left his horse at Uncle Joel's to give him a rest and drove Pickert's horse, Prince the rest of the way here. Henry started back about 4:30 for Norway.

I helped do the chores at night. We began to feed some whey to the calves as there is more than the pigs can eat. I filled the hogsheads with water. We will be gathering sap soon and the wood in the hogsheads needs to be soaked so it will swell and not leak.

Monday, April 4, 1892

The weather was very warm, a little gloomy, and sprinkled some. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John and I put rings on the buckets and took another load in the woods. We distributed them and tapped more trees until noon. Charlie worked in the cheese house all day. Mike did the cow chores and then shoveled out the arch where we boil the sap. In the afternoon, I salted some beef.

Tuesday, April 5, 1892

It froze quite hard last night and today was sunny and warm. After the morning chores were done, John and I went right in the woods and finished tapping the trees and got the rest of the buckets hung. The sap was running good. We'll start boiling tomorrow. Charlie worked at the cheese all day. Mike finished the other chores.

In the afternoon, Mike helped me kill and dress 10 chickens for market. We packed them in ice, ready to take to the Falls tomorrow. Charlie and John got the cheese packed for shipment.

Wednesday, April 6,

Today was fair and windy. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, I helped take care of the horses and cleaned and harnessed the bay team and got the wagon ready for the trip to the Falls. Cora, Carrie, and I got ready to go. There was a Grange Sugar Party that we were going to attend.

There were 15 cheese packed in 14 cheese boxes. They weighed a total of 653#. 1 sent them to S. Underhill, New York City to be sold on commission. I had 20# of butter which I let Buskirk have. There were 35# of chickens which I sold to the city market. I received $4.76 for the butter and the chickens. I got 25 rennets from Shaut for $1.25 and paid J. E. Gage $1.55 for some feed. Blowers asked me to buy 5 cents of tobacco, 5 cents for postage, and 10 cents for quinine pills for him. I got some stove pipe from D. T. Lamb, (paid).

The admission to the festival cost 50 cents. Carrie met Jim Thompson there and planned on him taking her back home. Cora and I had a very nice time. We saw H. E. Brockett there and he said that he'd ride back home with us. After the festival, we drove around by Father Bellinger's. Cora planned on staying there to help her mother until Sunday.

The roads are still quite bad in some places. I broke one leaf on a spring on the way to the Falls.

The boys took the pans in the woods and put them in and put the chimney up. There wasn't enough sap to start boiling but everything is all set to start boiling tomorrow.

Mother said that D. D. Mang came here this afternoon. He said that he had settled all bank accounts of Herman's and his. He came back to see me at milking time. He had some cows he wanted to sell to me. I bought 2 cows on his recommendation. He will deliver them in the course of two weeks for $70.

Thursday, April 7, 1892

Today was pleasant and windy. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, I took care of the horses and fixed the sheep stable door. I had some writing to do while Kaine took care of the cows and split wood. John went right in the woods early and started boiling. Charlie worked in the cheese house. The new stove pipe did not fit right and Blowers said that he'd take it back in the afternoon. After dinner, Kaine and I took the black team and the truck wagon. We drove over the summer road around the turn and shut the gate leading to Fred's lot. We came back and got old Lill and the buggy ready for Charlie to go to the Falls as soon as he finished with the cheese. I gave him $1 and he took the stove pipe back to Lamb and had it fixed and brought it home again. Mike Kaine and I drew two loads of hay from the lower barn for the colts and the sheep. I mixed some feed for the calves just before milking. John came up to have supper and helped with the evening milking. He went right back to the woods again to boil sap after milking.

Friday, April 8, 1892

It was pleasant but windy today. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, we fixed fence, shoveled out the fence, washed the cutters and the sleigh, and put them away. Charlie cleaned old Lill and split wood after he finished making the cheese. Mike and I took care of the sheep, and fed all of the other stock. John went in the woods right after breakfast and started the fire. He boiled until milking time. In the afternoon, we all gathered sap. We gathered enough sap for about 8 gallons of syrup. The snow has gone down over 4 feet in the woods. I found enough piper roots for supper.

Saturday, April 9, 1892

Today was very windy. In the morning, we all did chores. After breakfast, I took care of the horses. John went right down to the woods and boiled sap. Kaine took care of the cows while Charlie worked in the cheesehouse. I harnessed the bay colt and drove her. She drove very nice.

Mike and I cleaned the hog pens upstairs and downstairs in the barn. After dinner, we cleaned the calf pens. We fixed latches and hooks on the doors & c. The colts feet needed trimming so we did all of them.

Sunday, April 10, 1892

The weather was windy, snowing and generally disagreeable. In the morning, Mike, John, & I did chores. Blowers came when we were nearly through milking. He and his wife made cheese today. Right after breakfast, I got the horses cleaned and got bay Fannie and the buggy ready. I drove down to Father Bellinger's and got my wife. Cora had her carpet, which she wanted to put in our bedroom. We took it along with us and went over to Frank Bellinger's and spent the day. The roads were bad part way. Frank's father is using my sawing machine now. Cora and I got back home when the milking was 2/3 done. Mrs. Blowers helped milk in my place. I took Cora's carpet in our bedroom but we need some paper to put under it before we lay it on the floor.

Monday, April 11, 1892

Today was cold, windy, and snowing. John, Mike, and I did the morning chores. Blowers came up late and planned on going with me to the Falls. Mother said that she'd make the cheese today. After breakfast, I put up 16 gallons of syrup. I had 12 dozen eggs, some cabbage, and the butter to sell, also. I got ready and drove the bay colts and the platform wagon. Blowers and Carrie rode down with me. I sold one 34# net tub of butter to Zlo Brockett at 17 cents = $5.78 paid. Buskirk took 12 dozen eggs at 11 cents per dozen. J. Randall bought 5 gallons of syrup at 85 cents and paid me $4.25. Rowe bought one gallon for 95 cents. I let F. L. Silliman have 10 gallons at 95 cents to trade out and he will give me all of the empty cans back. Randall and Rowe will get their empty cans back to me also. I bought 10 new cans from Lamb and paid $1 for them. My horse bill was 50 cents. Sullivan paid me $2.20 for some butter. I treated Sullivan, Blowers, and another man and paid 30 cents. I gave Blowers 50 cents and gave Carrie $5.50 to do their shopping. I got a new set of springs from S. Skinner for 90 cents. I took the cabbage to Herlehy's and traded it for some sugar. Cora had asked me to stop at Peppers and get some paper for the carpet. I got 17 yards at 5 cents for a total cost of 85 cents.

Mother made 92# of cheese today. The boys did the chores and took care of the new lambs. They sawed wood most of the afternoon. There wasn't any sap since it was so cold.

Tuesday, April 12, 1892

Today was very cold and windy. Blowers did not come to work today. Mike, John, and I did the chores. Mother made the cheese. After the chores were finished, we sawed and split wood. I worked with the colt for awhile. She drove very nice.

Stephen Mang came here to see me about buying some cattle. He agreed to have his note here tomorrow night or Thursday morning.

Carrie bought supplies to make a new dress, yesterday. She asked John to drive over to Edward's to see if Mrs. Edwards could help her with the sewing. John went to get Mrs. Edwards this morning after we finished the chores.

Wednesday, April 13, 1892

The weather is cold and windy. The sap is not running. In the morning, we all did the chores. After breakfast, we took care of the lambs. We have 16 new lambs now. John drove the bay colt loose for an hour or more and then I helped him hitch her to the cart. He drove her all around. She drove very nice and did not kick at all. I watched her until he was almost done. Then I got the bay mares hitched to the wagon and backed it in the hog pen. I got 6 barrels of hen manure down and loaded it on the wagon. I went in the house, had my dinner and got ready to go to the Falls. I took the hen manure to the tannery and sold it for 25 cents per bushel. I had 14 bushels and got $3.50 for it. I had the bay mares shod and balanced the account with Lahy. I bought 76 cents worth of goods for Carrie at Pepper's store. Kaine asked me to buy him some tobacco at the Grange Store and I paid 24 cents for it. I went in Brown's and bought a dripping pan and a trap for 20 cents. I bought 10 cheese boxes ($1), and a small bundle of sale boards (25 cents) from Burrell's. Old man Daily rode up with me.

After I went away, the boys sawed logs. Blowers worked at the cheese all day. He also helped me take the old spring off the seat and put the new ones on before I went to the Falls.

Thursday, April 14, 1892

Today was clear and windy and quite cold. We all did the chores in the morning. After breakfast, I helped take care of the lambs. We had six more born last night. There are 22 new lambs now. I helped John hitch the colt to the cart and he drove her. She is coming along very nicely. I got Jess and the buggy ready for Cora and I to go to Little Falls. We had to attend to the law suit with Bela and Emma Pickert. Bela and his lawyer appeared and took an adjournment to another day, the 26th.

Cora and I delivered eggs and butter to Buskirk and he paid me $5.44 in full for them. We sold 15 dozen eggs to the Grange Store for $2.10. 1 paid 10 cents for the horse bill. Cora and I came home early. I helped with the evening milking. After milking, John took Mrs. Edwards home. I paid her $3 for her labor helping the women. I gave John $3. Mike Kaine helped me kill and dress the black calf after milking.

Will Goodell, Kit Goodell, Anna Jones, Lula Yerle, Frank Pickert, and his wife came up to spend the evening. We had a nice visit.

Steve Mang was to be here today with the new note but he did not come. John drove down to Goodell's in the afternoon to borrow a hammer but they could not find it.

Friday, April 15, 1892

Today is a nice day and the roads have dried out good. Everyone has spent time working on leveling out the ruts in the roads and they are now much improved. After breakfast, I got ready and took the veal calf down to Casler's. I drove old Dolly. The veal weighed 95# and Casler paid me $7.12 for it (7 ½ cents per pound). I paid Snell $1 to repair Kaine's watch. I paid Burrell & Whitman $1.38 for 5 yards of bandage and $2 for a package of scabboards. I bought one dozen lemons from F. L. Silliman and had them charged. He is now owing us about $15. John had me buy 50# of middlings from Gage for 60 cents. Kaine got 3 gallons of oil for 30 cents. I came home early.

The boys gathered 4 hogsheads of sap in the forenoon. John stayed in the woods and boiled the sap until night. When I got home, Kaine and I drew hay for the colts and sheep. We also drew bedding for the calves and the pigs. Three of us did the chores at night. John brought up a batch of syrup.

Saturday, April 16, 1892

Today was pleasant but cool and windy. We all did the chores in the morning. After breakfast, John went in the woods and boiled all day. Kaine and I finished the chores and sawed wood. We went in the woods in the afternoon. John, Mike, and I gathered over 4 hogsheads of sap. Charlie worked making cheese all day. Mother and Carrie went to Hattie Petrie's funeral. They drove bay Fannie and the open buggy. They said it was a large funeral.

At night, Mike got 1 7/8# of old cheese at 12 cents = 22 cents. Blowers bought 51# of barley from me for 82 cents. 1 went in the woods after the evening chores were finished and boiled until morning. I went to bed about 1:30 A.M.

Sunday, April 17, 1892

Today was very pleasant. John built up the fire in the sap house first thing and then came and helped Mike and I do the morning milking. He went back to the woods after breakfast, while Mike and I finished the chores and cleaned the stables. I got the team ready and Mike and I took two milk cans and went in the woods. The three of us gathered 2 hogsheads of sap. John spilled some sap on himself and went home to change his clothes. I tended the fire until he got back. I went back to the barn and cleaned the calf stable and gave them fresh bedding.

Cora and I expected Father Bellinger and family to come and visit but they did not come. Just before the night milking, I took the team down to the woods to bring some syrup out. John, Mike, and I did the night milking and finished up the chores.

I was doing some writing in the evening when J. W. Thompson, R. E. Simms, and Harry Decker came here to spend the evening. I wrote a letter to Maggie and Seymour. Mother went down to Kaine's in the afternoon. Jim Thompson stayed late visiting with Carrie.

Monday, April 18, 1892

Today was very pleasant. We all did the morning milking. John started the fire in the arch before coming to do the milking and went down in the woods right after to continue boiling the sap. I got ready for the Falls after breakfast. I took a 32# tub of butter and sold it for 19 cents per pound = $6.08. 1 took the oil barrel to Silliman's and got 70 cents credit for it. I let him have a 91# cheese for $4.25. 1 sold the calf hide for 50 cents. V. S. Rowe bought 2 gallons of syrup for $1.90. 1 sold a 39# cheese at the market for 10 cents per pound = $3.90 paid. Brockett took 4 cheese on credit: 40#, 40#, 38#, & 44# for a total of 162#. 1 paid Tefft for repairs on my wagon in full of account to date, $5. 1 got 4# of coffee at Silliman's for $1.36 which I charged. I paid $1.65 for some feed from Gage and 15 cents for some seeds. I got tobacco for Blowers for 27 cents, and cough syrup for Kaine for 50 cents, and paid 25 cents for Garfield Tea. The cost of my mares' stabling was 50 cents which included them being fed hay. I paid J. W. Jackson $10 for the service of his horse. Keller asked me to bring up his grass seed for him and I did.

John boiled sap all day and brought out some syrup. Mike and John gathered 2 hogsheads and 4 cans of sap today. The colts got out and went to Brockett's place. Mike Kaine went after them and fixed the fence.

I saw Steve Mang today. He and Charley had a note drawn to my order with John Mang's endorsement. I would not take it.

Tuesday, April 19, 1892

It was a beautiful day today. John went right in the woods to start the fire. We all did chores. After breakfast, John went right back to boil sap. Kaine did the other chores. I did some writing. Mrs. Blowers is here helping the women with the spring cleaning. Charlie was making the cheese.

After dinner, John and Mike took the black mares and the wagon down in the woods and gathered 2 hogsheads and four cans of sap. Blowers went and helped with the sap collecting. They left the team in the woods for John to bring the syrup up. I took the colts and the old wagon and took Blowers' bag of meal down to his barn. Then I drew 2 loads of sap wood to the hut. I brought the plow up and put it in the field. I put the team in and got Lill ready for Carrie to drive down to Frank Pickert's. Harry Goodell came here to borrow the bitting harness for a week or so to train his colts. In the evening, Charlie asked if I had extra envelops, stamps, and a writing tablet that he could buy from me. I let him have a tablet, 25 envelopes, and 5 stamps for 25 cents.

Wednesday, April 20, 1892

Today was a very nice day and a very nice evening. We did the usual farm chores and were around home all day until 3 o'clock. Cora and I got ready and went to the Falls. Thompson came here and Carrie went with him. I gave Cora $3 and Carrie $5. We went to Kerrniss. Ed Goodell and Maude Broat, Frank Meyers & Cora MiddleBrooks, and Frank Pickert & his wife were there. The entertainment was very good and we all had a good time. Afterwards, the girls gave us refreshments at Franciscos. While we were in town, I had McGuire tap Mother's shoes for 40 cents. I paid the horse bill of 10 cents.

Thursday, April 21, 1892

Today was gloomy but pleasant. It was pleasant in the morning but started raining in the afternoon. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John went to boiling sap. Kaine and I did the rest of the chores and then cleaned 15 bushel of barley for seed barley to plant. When it started to rain, Mike and I took the black horses and truck wagon and two cans and went down in the woods. We gathered all of the sap and got 1 hogshead and 2 cans full. We came up to the house and had dinner. Then we hitched the blacks to the hay rigging and went down and gathered 155 buckets and brought them up. I helped the women set up the chamber and start washing up the sap buckets.

Friday, April 22, 1892

Mrs. Blowers helped the women today. After the morning milking, John got the black team ready and went down in the woods with them and the hay rigging with a load of wood for the sap hut. He got the fire going and boiled down the rest of the sap that had been gathered. He finished it by noon and brought it up. Mike and I finished unloading the 155 buckets we gathered yesterday. Mike and I butchered the veal calves for our use and some meat for Mike's, Charlie's, and John's families.

I got the bay horses ready and plowed the rest of the day. Mike took care of the cows, put strings on the calves, and sorted potatoes. He took a bushel of potatoes home for himself. In the afternoon, Mike built a fire in the arch and put water in the kettle to heat and clean up generally at the sap hut. He and John gathered the rest of the buckets 139 making a total of 294. The women and Charlie washed buckets all day.

Ettie and her children came here as we were milking at night. I weighed the milk tonight and we had 780 pounds.

Saturday, April 23, 1892

The weather was rainy in the morning, but pleasant the rest of the day. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John went in the woods to work. He had all of the rest of the sap boiled in by noon. He drew it out of the pan and put it in a can and then came home. Mike and I finished up the chores and cleaned grain until noon. After dinner, John and I took the team and the sleigh down to the woods. We loaded the syrup, sap pans, and hogsheads on the sleigh and brought them up. We washed the pans and hogsheads and stacked them to dry on the sleigh. John plowed the rest of the afternoon. When he finished plowing, he took the sleigh down and put the syrup pans and hogsheads in the barn to store until next year. Mike and I cleaned grain, the rest of the afternoon. We cleaned 24 bushels of barley and 30 bushels of Will Keller's oats. We got 26 bushels of the oats when they were cleaned. I brought a sheep and two lambs up to the upper barn. J. Williams was here at milking time to buy some calves but we did not have any to sell. We killed the three small calves yesterday for veal. I told Williams that I would save the next bull calf for him to buy.

I weighed the milk this morning and found that we had 777# while the vat tallied only about 700 pounds.

Sunday, April 24, 1892

The weather was cold and windy but overall it was a pleasant day. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John clipped the black mare's legs and helped finish up the chores. Kaine did the cow barn chores. I helped clean the stable. As soon as the chores were done, John and Mike went home. I got black Fannie and the old buggy ready and Mother and Carrie went to church. I hitched Bay Fannie to the sidebar and Cora went down to her Father's. Cora came home about dark. She brought her brother, Will's girl with her. Lilly is three years old.

I swept the horse barn and looked the land over. I needed to see which fields were dry enough to work the ground and plant. I checked over the sheep and doctored the new lambs. We all milked at night.

Monday, April 25, 1892

It was pleasant and windy today. There was a very hard frost last night. We all did the chores in the morning. After breakfast, I got the butter and molasses ready for sale. (The molasses is the last of the syrup which is very dark and thick.) I got ready for the Falls, while the boys got the black mares and the iron-ex wagon ready. They loaded 12 bushels of seed barley, 10 bushels of barley and 20 bushels of oats to grind. There were three cheeses weighing 40#, 38#, & 42#. I had one tub of butter weighing 32# net, a jar of butter weighing 18#, and one jar weighing 10# net. I got paid for the butter at 19 cents per pound = $11.40. I sold the 40# cheese to Youker at 9 1/4 cents = $3.70. VanAlstyne took the 42# cheese at 9 1/4 = $3.88. Silliman bought the 38# cheese at 9 1/4 cents and charged it. Youker and VanAlstyne paid in full. I sold the molasses for $1.80. I got 600# of feed from Gage and charged it. I bought one sack of flour from Silliman and charged it to our account, ($1.40). I got some wire for picture hangers for Kaine and charged it to his account. I had my feed ground and paid $1.28 for the grinding. I bought some clover seed at the Grange Store and paid $12.75 for it and 15 cents for the bag. I paid 50 cents for 5 syrup cans. The blacksmith shod the black mares all around and I paid $1.50 for the new shoes. I got some chicken wire and staples for Blowers and paid $1.40 for it. I paid 30 cents to the Cooperative Store as excess on the cheese.

J. William's boy stopped here today and bought the calf that was born yesterday for 50 cents. John and Mike cleaned barley for seed and sawed two logs this afternoon. Gillette had assigned the contract of the lot to Cooper who will settle next week.

Tuesday, April 26, 1892

Today was pleasant and warmer but there was a heavy frost last night. Mrs. Blowers helped with the milking and the cheesemaking today. After breakfast, John took care of the horses. He cleaned them all off and hitched old Dolly to the buggy for me. I measured off the corn ground and pieces to plant. I took care of the sheep and then got ready to go to the Falls. I took 16 dozen eggs and 12 gallons of syrup. The eggs were sold for 13 cents per dozen = $2.08. All of the syrup was sold. I received a total of $5 and I got 3 empty cans back. Bellinger owes me for one can of syrup. Gross owes me for 4 cans of syrup. Magill owes me for one can of syrup. I paid Gillette $1 for three whips and 50 cents for some hoof ointment. Mrs. Kaine rode to the Falls and back with me as she had some shopping to take care of. I had Dolly shod for 60 cents. The horse stabling and my dinner cost 35 cents. I bought some tobacco for Kaine for 24 cents and sold two of the new whips for 80 cents.

I went to attend to the lawsuit with Pickert. He, his father, his wife, and her father were there but their attorney did not appear. The lawsuit is to be held open until the 14th of May. They talked of settling.

R. D. Mang sent two cows here which he sold to me by description. They are not up to the recommendation. Stephen Mang sent a note here for $70 endorsed by Charles and John Mang. He sent $5 in cash along with it to settle the old note in the bank. John took Mang back to the Corners with black Fannie and the phalton before the milking was finished. When I got home the horses needed to be fed, watered, and bedded.

John and Mike sowed and dragged in 4 acres of grain using 11 bushels of oats. E. E. Western was here and said that his load weighed about 1700# at $13 per ton.

Wednesday, April 27, 1892

The weather was pleasant and getting warmer. We all did chores in the morning. Mrs. Blowers worked today also. After breakfast, I went out in the field to look over what I wanted worked on today. Then I took care of the sheep. There was one sick and I gave it some medicine. I told John and Mike what I wanted them to do. John went to dragging with the blacks. Kaine dragged with the colts after the chores were done. I had some writing to do and worked at that until noon. After dinner, the boys sowed 11 bushel of oats on the sod and got the piece about half dragged. Blowers used the colts on his garden by his house in the afternoon.

I drove old Lill and the old buggy and went to the Falls. I took 2 gallons of syrup to Ransom Sharps and 1/2 gallon to McEvoy. They both owe me for the syrup. I went to the bank with Steven Mang's note, put the interest in the bank and got the old note taken care of. I came right back home. I picked up our mail and Uncle Joel's mail. I returned Gage's bags and left 3 calf skins for Hayck down to Churchill's barn. I saw Frank at Uncle Joel's and he invited Cora, Carrie, and I down to his house this evening. I got home in time for milking. After milking, we got ready and drove down to Frank Pickert's. We played cards and had a nice time.

Thursday, April 28, 1892

It was rainy and gloomy all day. We all did chores in the morning, including Mrs. Blowers. John had breakfast with us and then went down to see how his wife was getting along. Nancy was doing her Spring cleaning and wanted John to help move some things. He cleaned all of the horses. I took care of the sick lambs and sheep. Then I helped John hitch the colt. He drove to Will Goodell's and then to Ed's. The colt drove very nicely. Kaine did the cow barn chores. Then he and I took the blacks and the wagon and got the boards off the banking around our house. We picked everything up in the lumber yard and rolled up the skids and large sticks of timber. John came back and helped draw a large chunk of wood down by the wood house. We then got the straw away from the house. We got a load of hay from the lower barn for the colts.

After dinner, I drove old Lill and the old buggy over to the Corners. I saw Charles Mang and gave him $10 towards the cows for Dott and gave him my note for the balance of $60. 1 paid Charles the difference on the notes and delivered the old note to him. I got the weight of the hay and straw sold to J. Jennings and E. Western. I found that Jennings owes us $24.36.

I drove down to the Hollow and ordered 150 cheese boxes from Metcalf at 10 cents each to be delivered on Saturday. I stopped at Stahl's and bought 10# of fish at 8 cents = 80 cents paid and 4 oranges for 10 cents.

John went to Ed Goodell's and got the hog to put with our sow. Blowers spent most of the afternoon putting up hen wire.

Friday, April 29, 1892

Today was cold, raw, and windy and it rained some. Mrs. Blowers worked today helping us. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John and I cleaned all of the horses. We hitched the blacks to the hay wagon and drew two loads of straw in the horse barn. Mike did the cow barn chores and cleaned the horse stable. John and I took the blacks and went down in the woods. We cut bushes and trimmed around. John worked cutting bushes in the night pasture and where it was necessary in the meadow.

In the afternoon, Mike helped me get the roller out. I rolled until Blowers finished the cheese. Then he took over and rolled until milking time. I carried the coal ashes away. Then I took care of the sheep and doctored those that needed to be and then fixed fence. Mike made a bed for the cabbage seed, planted the seeds, and then put up fence. We all did the milking at night.

Saturday, April 30, 1892

The weather was clear but cold and windy. We all did chores in the morning. After breakfast, John cleaned all of the horses while I doctored the sheep. Mike did the cow chores. We put up 30 bushels of oats and 15 bushels of barley. John got the bay team ready for me while I changed clothes to go to the Falls. I went to the mill and had the grist ground and then loaded back into the wagon. I paid $1.76 for the grinding. I went to the telegraph office and telegraphed about the cheese and learned that they were received by Underhill. I paid 50 cents for the telegraph. I bought staples for 8 cents, a hammer 25 cents, rennets $1.25, and some candy for 10 cents. I got a syrup can back from Gillette. Sharp's clerk paid $1.38 for the balance on the syrup sold to them. Bellinger paid me $1 in full for the syrup.

When I got home, they were half through milking. Cora and Carrie milked in my place and milked the cows that I usually milk. John finished dragging the piece of sod which was sowed. Blowers and Kaine cleaned oats in the afternoon. Metcalf sent 150 cheese boxes here today, at 10 cents each. I left the money for them with Cora to pay Metcalf but she did not see him. Charlie helped Metcalf's man unload the cheese boxes.

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