Willard and Cora

Friday, January 1, 1892

Today was a very pleasant day. It sprinkled a little early in the morning and then cleared off.

The men and I did up the farm chores in the morning. After we had breakfast, I got the rig ready to go to Norway with Mother. I drove Dolly with the end spring on roads that were frozen hard and smooth. We arrived at Crofoot's just after noon. I put the horse in and fed her. Mother planned to stay and help with the butchering. I was asked to stay for dinner and visited until about 4:30, when I started for home. John was going to do the evening farm chores for me. When I got home, I changed horses, driving Jess for the evening. We were having a get together down at Goodell's for the evening. Constead and his wife were there, Frank & Minnie Bellinger, Cora, Maude, Will Goodell, and myself. We had a jolly time.

I drove Cora home and we discussed our wedding plans for this February. Cora has worked on her father's farm and he will let her have some stock to bring with her when we marry. Cora and I have known each other for many years and we are well suited to each other. We get along well and have a jolly time together. Now that I am in charge of the homestead and business is looking prosperous, I'm ready to marry. A farmer's life is not easy and Cora and I both know that we will always need to work hard.

Saturday, January 2, 1892

John and I did the chores this morning. John was worried about his boy. He has been sick with fever. I gave him $7.00 and he took Dolly and the buggy and went to Little Falls after the doctor. Charlie told John that he would work in his place today to finish the farm chores.

After breakfast, Charlie and I finished chores, split kindling, and then harnessed the bay, Fannie to the phaeton. I took Shep over to Salisbury Corners. I traded him for another dog, giving $3.50 to boot. While I was there, I stopped at Stahl's and bought one pound of tobacco for the horses. I met John on the road on the way home. He was headed for the Corners after the Priest. The doctor was afraid that John's boy would not live till morning.

I helped Charlie finish the evening chores. After supper, I went down to John's house to see how his boy was and found him much improved. John had picked up the mail when he was down to the Falls. I took our mail and went back home. Wiseman and his wife were down to Charlie's to play cards. A heavy snow started as I headed back to the house.

Sunday, January 3, 1892

John and I did chores in the morning and loaded the manure.

When the load was off, John drew up a load of wood for himself. Mike Kaine needed some wood so he took the rig and drew another load of wood. I fed the cows and cleaned the colts and the stable and carried in orts for bedding. Carrie, planned on going to the church service so I harnessed Jess to the cutter for her. She stopped at Frank's after church and did not get home until 6:30.

John's boy is still quite sick and John did not get around to help with the chores at night. The afternoon was quiet, with no visitors and I spent the time writing some letters.

Monday, January 4, 1892

I got out early, built the fire, and then fed the horses and colts their grain and hay. I had two horses cleaned when Charlie Blowers came. We finished cleaning the horses and harnessed four. We took the black team and drew the milk wagon in on the west floor of the wagon house, leaving the box on blocks there. We watered the horses and then went in to breakfast. After we ate, we took both teams down to get the maple log. It took both to move that log. I put the colts in the barn. Then while I filed the saw, John and Charlie cleaned the cow barn. I took the ax and saw and went down to the woods. Charlie started drawing, while John and I cut down 2 good sized maple trees. We helped load and then went to the house for dinner. Charlie and I drew till night and John chopped until chore time.

Tuesday, January 5, 1892

I cleaned and harnessed the black team and Charlie helped get the colts ready and harnessed. After breakfast, we went down to Mr. Hoover's to look over his woods as he wanted to sell some. We cleaned his team, watered them, and cleaned his stable. Then we harnessed them and hitched them to the bobs. He planned on going to Dolgeville with a bushel of popcorn after we all looked at his woods. Charlie Blowers bought 6 trees for $4 and then we went back home. We sawed two logs and then went in to have dinner. John had finished the chores and cut one log and drew it up to the landing. After dinner, Charlie and I cut logs and trimmed top wood. John drew with the black team and had an upset with a very large log. It broke the sleigh some. When it was chore time, Charlie took the team and I kept on trimming till dark. I paid Hoover $2.00 on the wood for Charlie's deal. I bought 2 trees from Charlie for myself. We had taken the new dog, Ben with us and he left in the afternoon and did not come back tonight.

Wednesday, January 6, 1892

In the morning, I took care of the horses and colts. I cleaned and harnessed Dolly and watered them all. After breakfast, I got ready and went to Little Falls, with Dolly and the cutter. Mike Kaine hailed me and sent 50 cents along to get some whiskey. John gave me 65 cents to get boots and 25 cents to get cough syrup. I paid the P.O. box rent of 25 cents and bought 6 postage stamps. The sleigh brace cost 10 cents to repair. I paid Adolphus Deimel in full for coal $2.91. 1 paid the photographer, Abbott $1 balance on my pictures. I went to the tailor, and he took my measurements for my wedding clothes. Carrie had come with me to the Falls and went to the farmer's institute. J. W. Thompson was going to bring her home.

Keyser sent the sawing machine home. I helped unload it and it was apparently all right. He paid $5 for the use of it. Charlie was in bed all day. I got John the cough syrup but could not get the boots. John did the chores and drew wood for himself. I got a list of lumber prices from Ladue: $15 per thousand feet for maple and birch, and basswood $13, delivered. The price on skids in the woods is $5 less per thousand. Cheese boxes are 10 cents each.

Thursday, January 7, 1892

The weather is not very cold but a little windy. It was snowing but very pleasant at night and a little warmer. In the morning, I took care of the horses and colts, & c. After breakfast, I did some writing and got ready to go to the Falls. Charlie came up to ride to Little Falls with me.

I paid Zlo Brockett the interest on his note until Oct. 4, 1891. 1 paid W. H. Abbott $8 in money and $2 in syrup to settle the account in full for Herman's cabinets and his large pictures and frame. I paid J. Petrie $27 in full on Herman's note and interest. Mother's bill at Casler's was $1.25 which I paid. McDavin wanted me to take his colt home to board for him at $1 per week to be paid for before taking the colt. I paid Will Randall $1.20 for keeping the McDavin colt and our horses in his barn. I got some paper for John's house and paid 73 cents for it. I attended the Farmer's Institute and helped my sister Ettie and Henry Crofoot sell their sausage and liverwurst. Ettie said that Mother was going to stay at their house until Sunday. I let Charlie have $1 to make his purchases.

John finished the chores while we were gone. He threshed peas and got some wood for himself.

Friday, January 8, 1892

It snowed about half the day but was not very cold. John and I did all of the chores alone. After chores, we drew logs, 4 of them so heavy that we had to use both teams on them. We upset and broke the tongue & c and were generally bothered. We did not have any lunch but drew right along until 5 o'clock, when we had supper. J. Brockett and Henry went through towards the farm. Mike Kaine was here and wanted us to draw logs for him if he would help do chores. We have enough logs now to make a year's wood.

Saturday, January 9, 1892

The weather was fine and mild. John and I did chores. After breakfast, John got Dolly harnessed and he and his family went away to be gone until tomorrow sometime. Charlie came up to help do chores and we put the wagons away. Then I helped him draw his four logs up to his house. I drove the team to the horse barn, fed them, and had lunch. Charlie had lunch at home. We unloaded the sleighs and Charlie took the black team and drew up his top wood. He also drew a load for Mike and took it to his house. I drove Jess and Jumper and took Shep over to the Corners and got the other dog, Ben. I picked up Brockett's mail at Salisbury Corners and dropped it off at their house. The roads were good. When I got home, I did the evening chores myself. P. P. Hill and his son came here with their horse and stayed all night.

Sunday, January 10, 1892

The weather was fine and cool. I did the chores alone. Mr. Hill and his boy were visiting. Mike came and helped me clean the stable and drew a load of manure down to his house for his garden. Then Mike got 2 bushels of barley at 70 cents each from me and drew a load of wood for himself. Mr. Hill and his boy left about 10 o'clock. I got Jess harnessed and hitched to the cutter for Carrie to go to church. Ada came home with her and had dinner with us.

In the afternoon, Uncle Joel Pickert drove up. He dropped Aunt Marietta off at VanSlykes. He went back home early. J. W. Thompson came here in the evening. Frank Pickert and his wife came also. I visited with them for awhile, then I got Fannie hitched to the cutter and went to Bellinger's to visit Cora and spend the evening. Ada rode with me and we took her to the Falls. I got home about 2 a. m. and Thompson was here yet. John and his family had come home about dark. The sleighing was very good.

Monday, January 11, 1892

The weather was nice and getting warmer and then it snowed. I did the chores alone in the morning. I went down to see John after breakfast. He said he was not feeling well and had a notion to not come to work.

I got Dolly harnessed to the cutter and Carrie and I went to Little Falls. I paid our taxes $47.20. 1 sold a roll of butter to Newell 8 1/4# at 20 cents = $1.65. Brockett took 33# at 21 cents and paid $6.93. 1 saw Davin and agreed to pay him $10 for an unincumbered cow. Carrie and I got home rather late. Old Dolly did not feel very good.

Tuesday, January 12, 1892

It was warm and rainy today. John and I did chores. After breakfast, we put up grain for the mill. I wrote a letter and got ready while John got the team ready and went down to get Charlie to help finish chores. John and I went to Little Falls. We bought some oil meal first and then took it and the rest of the grain to the mill. I mailed my letter. We put the team in Foley's barn and went over to Rankin's to pick up the cow I had bought from Davin yesterday. Rankin said that the cow was there a little longer than she ought to be but he would not charge anything. We got the cow started. I bought a couple of sandwiches for John and helped him get the cow across the Rail Road. Then he headed for home with her. I stayed at the Falls. I paid 32 cents for the sandwiches, postage, and stabling the horses. The grinding cost 73 cents and the extra purchased grain from Gage cost $9.20. I bought some paper for John's house, 42 cents. I stopped at the tailors and tried on the undercoat and I am sorry but I do not like it at all. I saw Honze and he paid me $9.81 in full on account. On my way home, it rained very hard.

Wednesday, January 13, 1892

Shep came back again from the Corners. John took him down to the lower barn and tied him up. John and I did the morning chores. Before lunch, I drove down to McEvoy's since I learned that he held a mortgage on the Davin cow. He agreed to release it and wanted me to raise a calf for him. He offered to pay me for the time I worked but he only had a $5 bill and I had no change. He offered $1 towards the $3.50 he owed me and I told him I'd wait until he had the right change or I had change. I came home, did some writing, and had lunch. In the afternoon, John and I braided seed corn. We also worked in the lower barn, laying the floor, fixed the doors, picked up and put the tools out of the way. Then we finished the chores for the night.

Thursday, January 14, 1892

Today was a rainy and foggy day and became colder at night. John and I did chores in the morning. After breakfast, I looked over receipts and worked on that until noon. Floyd Goodell came here and asked for an umbrella that his wife had left here. We did not know where it was left and could not find it. Floyd had some pork to sell. I paid him for 21# at 8 cents = $1.68 for us and 9 1/2# for John at 8 cents = 76 cents.

Will Keller drove up and I went with him over to Sitle's to look at some cows that Sitle wanted to sell but there was no one home. Will said that Sitle told him he wanted $100 for four choice cows out of his dairy. Will and I came back here and Will put his horse in my barn. He wanted to see Mother and pay her $138 interest, $27.62 rent on the Frankfort farm, and $1 which I had over paid him for the Grange = total $166.62 by check. Carrie got ready and went to Little Falls with Will to a Grange meeting.

John did chores, drew pea straw in hog pen, and orts out of the cow barn and put it in the colts stable. We set up the sawing machine at night & c. I saw J. W. Thompson when Will and I were out. Jim said that he did not calculate to go to the toboggan slide tonight. The roads were very watery and the snow is thin with plenty of stones exposed.

Friday, January 15, 1892

Today was cool and quite clear, then it snowed some. John & I did chores. After breakfast, I cleaned and harnessed the bay horses. Charlie helped hitch them to the sleigh. He was taking some of his potatoes to sell so went to his house to get them. After he was gone, I hitched Dolly to the cutter for Carrie. She drove me to the Falls by way of Ransom's and drove home for Orpha Keller. I took the train for Herkimer, car fare 32 cents. I went to Herkimer to look up the Goodell and Carpenter accounts to see what my late brother Herman owed to them. I did not find anything. I went back to Little Falls and met Charlie and bought a couple of sandwiches for us 15 cents I paid for the team's stabling 40 cents, two shoes set at Tefft's 30 Cents, two bars sharpened 20 cents, tie ropes 13 cents, and postages 4 cents. I paid D. Lamb $13.55 in full on our account for supplies. I bought one pound of baking powder for John 29 cents and two tobacco pails.

John finished the chores, took Shep back home to Salisbury Corners, and then trimmed the trees in the woods. I learned that Whitney's auction was postponed for two weeks.

Saturday, January 16, 1892

The weather was cool, frosty, and clear. Charlie came here to get a rig to go with his wife to his sister-in-law's. She is not expected to live. I let him take bay Fannie and the old cutter along with a good buffalo lap spread, two horse blankets, 1 sirsingle, and a leather halter. He said that they would be back tomorrow.

After John and I finished the morning chores, I did some writing. I wrote to Ralston of Watertown on the horses, Low & Ettie, which are on lease to Mother. I also wrote to Mang in regards to the bank note. Carrie got ready to go to the Falls. I hitched Jess for her and also wedged up the sawing machine. Hannah was going with Carrie and I let her have $5 and also sent 6 cents to pay for the postage on my letters. John and I carried in 6 bushels of oats. Will Goodell stopped on his way to Fairfield to get the umbrella he had loaned me yesterday.

After lunch, John & I went in the woods. We cut a birch stub and John decided he'd take it. We cut another birch and cut a log out of it and drew the top to the sap hut. We came back to the barn and put up 20 bags of oats for the mill. I then made butter while John finished the chores. J. W. Windecker and his son J. W. came here to loan me money but Mother and I said we did not need any.

Sunday, January 17, 1892

Today was a very pleasant day. After chores and breakfast were out of the way, I cleaned Dolly and the wagon house and hitched her to the rig. Mike came and helped clean the barn and drew the load down on his garden. I got ready and drove Dolly over to Ava Zoller's to spend the day. Cora came with me. Mr. Bellinger had not been feeling well. Cora said he'd been sick with the grippe. Frank and Minnie Bellinger were at Ava's also. We had a pleasant day and a pleasant visit. The sleighing was not extra good on the other side of the river.

Monday, January 18, 1892

Today was pleasant in the morning and stormy at night. John and I did the morning chores. After breakfast, I got ready to go to the Falls. I drove Dolly and Jess. I took 20 bags of oats to the mill and paid $1.66 for the grinding and brought 8 bags home. Silliman bought a peppermint cheese, 34# at 13 cents per pound = $4.42. 1 received $1619.04 from Fitzgerald to settle the note of $2000 given by J. Gilbert on Nov. 19, 1890. He had paid $500 on April 17, 1891. The interest was cast on the $2000 to Apr. 17, amounting to $49.32 and the interest was cast on the $1549.32 from then to Jan. 18, 1892, the day of settlement. I deposited the $1619.04 and gave the bank a check for $1735.14 to settle the note in the bank. Fitzgerald drew up a release for mother from all of us children and I brought it home.

I picked up my clothes from Wildner. I paid $30 for making and trimming the suit and overcoat. I paid C. Ladue for cutting ice, H. E. Benedict $10 on account, paid 30 cents to Grange for one quart of oysters, $9.75 to W. Jackson to settle due bill to Emma, 15 cents for horses in barn, and 6 cents postage. Hannah came home with me. It was snowing very fast and the wind was blowing quite hard. I drove the load right under the shed.

Charlie got back with Fannie and the rig tonight. His wife stayed with her sister. Charlie and his brother in law had brought Fannie back to let us know. I met them headed back to the Falls afoot as I was headed home.

Tuesday, January 19, 1892

The weather was stormy and it was bad all day. John & I did chores in the morning. After breakfast, I helped a little and then went right back in the house to look the papers over. All day, I was figuring Herman's bank account. John finished the chores, killed 6 doves, carried the grain up in the horse barn, cleaned the colts' stable, and washed the calves for lice in the evening.

Henry A. and Ettie Crofoot came here for the purpose of signing the release. Since the weather was so bad, they stayed all night.

Wednesday, January 20, 1892

The weather was pleasant, clear and cool. In the morning, John & I did the chores and cleaned Crofoot's horse and our blacks. After breakfast, I looked for a pair of old traces that I might let Henry have in place of his broken one. I couldn't find any, so I let him take the whole collar and traces from our best single harness. I helped them to get ready to go home. Ettie and Henry read and signed the release and were going to stop at Fairfield and send the paper to Little Falls. I paid them $1.43 for 57# of buckwheat and paid Ettie $1 for the consideration to sign the deed and I loaned them $1.50.

I continued to work on the books most of the day. I found several accounts that would be of help to us. One was from D. Snell in the amount of $3.50 and was paid May 1, 1890. 1 wrote several letters: one to J. Carney, one to W. Glover, one to J. Donovan, one to Pressy, one to Smith & Brown, and one to S. Kilts.

Mike Kaine was here in the afternoon. He said that he was not going to work at the wood job more than 3 or 4 days longer. After that, he will help us with the farm work. Mike took the team and drew a load of wood for himself.

John broke the roads so that Ettie and her family could start for home. Then John did the rest of the chores, halter broke the colts, and split kindling. He drove down to Burrell's after Julia Keeler. She did not come up to work.

Thursday, January 21, 1892

It was snowy at times but not very cold. John and I did the chores. After breakfast, we cleaned and harnessed both teams. We loaded two maple logs on the old bobsleighs.

Carrie, Mother, and I worked out the settlement of Father's will. I made a copy of the papers to send to my brother Seymour in Cortland. We also figured out the settlement of my brother Herman's estate with a copy of that to send to Seymour for Maggie and Seymour to sign. Then Carrie and I got ready, taking the colts and the box sleigh to the Falls. We stopped at the Post office first and paid 14 cents to register and send the letter to Seymour and Maggie and I paid 12 cents for other postage that I needed. I sent a check for $3 to Smith & Brown, Utica, N. Y. to settle Herman's account in full, and a check for $40 for the premium on my insurance to J. W. Pressy. I let Carrie have $5 to do her shopping. She bought some supplies for the house use, $2.95, and paid $1.05 to Thing & Co. for felt shoes for mother.

I paid 10 cents for sandwiches for myself, 15 cents for the horse bill, and $26 to Gage for 1600# of middlings, and 800# of cornmeal. I saw Benedict, and he said that our settlement was on May 6, 1890 and we had $46.10 credit. John finished the morning chores and then took the load of logs to Little Falls. He brought home the balance of the grist from Ingham and 2 large sacks of bran and one hundred pounds of meal from Gage. I brought home the rest of the grain. Carrie and I got home about 6:30.

Friday, January, 22, 1892

Today was pleasant and not too cold. John and I did chores. After breakfast, Mike came and started work. I did some writing and then all three of us drew the grain upstairs in the horse barn to be mixed for the horses. We got one team ready and got the new bobs out. We had to shovel through a snow drift and took the fence down. Then Mike and I went in the woods and cut down a large maple tree. We got it almost all trimmed up before dinner. John and Mike took the bay colts and the bob sleighs back in the woods right after dinner, while I filed the saw. Then I took the black team and the log sleigh. We drew with both teams and got the wood all up except one butt log. John did most of the evening chores while Mike and I continued to work on the wood. At night, Mike and I did the horse chores.

Carrie went away this afternoon with Dolly and the cutter. She stopped at Goodell's and returned their umbrella.

Saturday, January 23,1892

Today was blustery but not very cold. In the morning, John and I did the chores. After breakfast, we got both teams ready and Kaine came here. We three took both teams after the butt log of the big maple tree and got it then. Kaine went to work getting his wood when the log was off. John went back to finish the chores. I got ready and Carrie and I went to the Falls with the box sleigh. I took cheese to Silliman 33# at 13 cents and got pay of $2.29. Mrs. Casler bought 3 1/2 dozen eggs to balance the account, 85 cents. Mr. Cooney bought 10 1/4# of butter for $2.10. I paid the freight on the oil meal from Amsterdam 60 cents and sent a check for the meal in full $14.50. 1 returned one pair of felt shoes and gave 75 cents, to boot for buckle shoes to replace the felt shoes. I went to the Grange Store and paid $2.13 for 50# of siscols (ciscos) and 2 leather punches. I also bought stamps for 4 cents, paid 15 cents for the horses stabling, had a bath 25 cents, and some candy 5 cents. Carrie painted with Cora Middlebrook. I brought the oil meal home and the fish and drew 200# of the oil meal up for the horses right away when we got home. The roads were very bad and heavy with snow.

John finished up the chores and drew up his logs. Kaine drew some wood up as far as our yard. Mike bought 3 gallons of oil from me for 30 cents.

Sunday, January 24, 1892

This is a mild day and at times it is snowing quite fast. In the morning, John and I did the chores. After breakfast, we cleaned all of the horses and harnessed the black team. I drove to the main road to mark out our road and set up some boards for markers in the hollow on the turn. John finished the chores. I then cleaned the granary and Mike helped me mix and empty 42 bushel of ground feed in the granary. We mixed oil meal, corn meal, ground oats, and middlings together. I advanced Mike $10 on his wages by check and he went home.

At about 2 o'clock, Frank and Minnie Bellinger came here for a visit. I was just thinking of getting ready to go away at night. I fed Frank's horse and did the other horse chores. J. W. Thompson came at dusk to visit Carrie. I went away to spend the evening with Cora. When I got home, J. W. T. was here yet. The weather was very stormy and windy at night. When I checked the cows before going in for the night, I noticed a materated bunch on a cow, likely to kill her and did what I could for the cow.

Monday, January 25, 1892

Today was a mild day but blustery. John and I did the chores and after breakfast, we got the black team ready and cleaned the stable. I took the manure out and unloaded it. Then I hitched on the double sleigh, drove over and unloaded the oil meal for the calves and the pigs. I got the bay, Fannie and our best rig ready for Carrie and Mother to go to the Falls. John took the black team and double sleigh. Kaine rode with him to the Falls to bring up 800# of feed for me. They also got one barrel of flour for Mike and John got quite a few groceries. While they were gone, I finished up the chores. Then I kettled and staked out the road both ways. The roads were very heavy with snow. I was finished by the time they got back. John brought up the colt, Jerry, for me to keep for Davin at $1.25 per week on hay.

Mother and Carrie got home about 7 o'clock. They had been to Utica. They took the train from the Falls. They picked up our mail. I got a receipt in full from Smith & Brown and a letter from J. Carney. Carney said that he would settle his note as soon as possible.

Tuesday, January 26, 1892

Today was very windy, cold and stormy. John and I did the chores. I went to water the horses and the pump plunger came apart and it took me until noon to fix it. John went to saw his own wood. He had John Elmer and Mike Kaine to help him. I did the rest of the chores alone. I took three large bags of middlings up in the barn and left one large bag for John in the sleigh. In the afternoon, John came up and took the black team and drew his logs down to his house. I charged John with one large bag of middlings $2.20 and one day lost time 50 cents.

Wednesday, January 27, 1892

It was cold, windy and clear today. John and I did the chores. After breakfast, John went down to his house after the saw, while I wedged the axe. John took them and went down to Kaine's to pick up Mike and they both went over to Hoover's woods. They cut logs from the trees that I bought from Charlie Blowers. They cut six logs, three from each tree. I did the chores alone, shoveled snow, and cleaned. While I was getting the ice off the water vat, I froze my ears very bad. Mike and John came back home about 4 o'clock.

Will Goodell came here in the evening on horseback. His horse went down on the turn. It was a bad fall and the horse was banged up some. We doctored the horse and he seemed alright when Will started for home.

Thursday, January 28, 1892

Today was nice and warm. John and I did chores. Mike came after breakfast and he and I went down and shoveled the road out. John finished up the chores and then took the team and drove through the road. Mike and I mixed grain for the horses, colts, calves, and pigs. We shook and sorted the feed bags and fed the horses. After dinner, we cleaned up and got ready to kill the cow. She dressed about 500#. 1 helped until the cow was dressed. Then Carrie and I took Dolly and Jumper and went to Little Falls. I took the cow hide along and got $2.13 for it. I let Carrie have $5 as she was going to have another oil painting lesson. I had some items to buy. I bought a slop pail for 25 cents, a dipper 7 cents, and a sandwich 15 cents. I met Will Goodell and treated him 10 cents, and bought candy 5 cents. He, Carrie, and I went to the Grange Meeting. I took two degrees and got home at 1 A.M.

John and Mike did the evening chores. They drew two loads of straw after I went away.

Friday, January 29, 1892

The weather was very pleasant, and was thawing some. John, Mike, and I did the chores and got two teams ready to draw the logs out of Hoover's woods to the Falls. We got one side of beef down and took one quarter down to Uncle Will's and the other quarter we put in the sleigh to take to Little Falls later. Then we went in the woods with the log sleigh. We drew four logs out. I took two ash logs and Mike took one ash and one birch to Lanes. The ash scaled 20, 21, and 22 x 12 and the birch was 18 x 12 feet. We drove up to Tefft's to pick up our scraper which he had fixed, 75 cents. Kaine took it home on his sleigh. We both got home about 5 o'clock. I got Dolly and Jumper ready and took the hind quarter down to Cooney. He agreed to pay me at a later date for the 125# at 6 cents = $7.50.

I drove to Bellinger's to spend the evening with Cora. Miss Mullen was there sewing and needed a ride to the village. I hitched Dolly to Bellinger's cutter and Cora and I took Miss Mullen home.

John did the chores at home. After he finished, he drove over to Edwards' to see if Mrs. Edwards could come to sew but she could not come. Mike lost a hook clevis when we were in the woods.

Saturday, January 30, 1892

Today was pleasant, a little windy and colder. Kaine, John, and I did the chores, got both teams ready and went in Hoover's woods. We got out four logs. Kaine put two on and went home with them. I put two birch on and went down to Ladues with them. They scaled 17 & 20 inches by 12 feet. All of the logs are now out of Hoover's woods which I purchased. Ladue paid me $19.58. I fed the team in his barn and ate my lunch in his office. Then I went right back to the woods. I loaded on one top birch and drove up to Kaine's house. I helped him load the top wood for himself. John came with the lantern to look for us. It was quite dark so I rolled my log off and went home. Mike and John threw off the rest of the wood and then John brought the team up to the horsebarn. I took care of all of the horses after I had some supper. John did the other chores alone and shoveled snow. He also cleaned and cut up some beef.

Sunday, January 31, 1892

Today was windy and colder. John and I did the chores alone. Henry Brockett came here on his way to church. I loaned him my scarf as it was very cold. He took the old World along. Mike Kaine came up to return the pail which he used to carry some beef home.

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