125th Anniversary Booklet


The first issue of "Grace Notes" was published on November 13, 1991. "Grace Notes" is a newsletter sent to Grace Church members and friends.

The first issue consisted of two pages, written entirely by Pastor Robert C. Dievendorf. After this first issue, Pastor Bob requested volunteers to help, with future issues; since this was a new undertaking, and no one knew how far it would fly.

Martha Dockey and Joyce. Ten Eyck volunteered. to be Pastor Bob's "helpers". With the increasing responsibilities of Pastor Bob, Joyce and Martha have published the "Grace Notes" continuously since December 1991.

We have had help from various members and friends of Grace Church. Our "heavenly helpers" have been wonderful through out the years. In 1999 Alice Wagner became a full time helper and coeditor, and presently we now have three full time editors.

"Grace Notes" is published ten months a year, with July and August excluded.

Arnie Feltman printed the mailing labels for many years. Presently Pastor Bob prints them.

Our mailing list has grown from under one hundred to well over two hundred. While initially we printed only two to three pages, our number of pages have now increased to twelve or fourteen on occasion.

We are thankful for the generous efforts of many people who submit information to "Grace Notes". Included are pastor's reports, committee reports, meeting reports, prayer chains, Sunday School news, Community news and messages from far and near. As a result "Grace Notes" will continue to thrive and grow.

From time to time we receive generous financial gifts to help support "Grace Notes"; and, to these people we are indeed most grateful and thankful.

Martha E. Dockey

CoEditor "Grace Notes"

This is also put on the web page monthly!

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